Hi Matt, I tried to reply to your message but it wouldn't send. Here's what the email said: Following a serious car accident a couple of years ago (after which, being incapacitated with a fractured spine and sternum, is why I switched my main attention to writing, no longer being able to go out to sell my work at craft & design events) I shut down my website to save money. Best thing I can do, apart from searching me out on facebook (my daughter masquerades as me in the running of it and it has been neglected a little recently), is to give me a postal contact and I will gladly send you my coffee-table book of poetry and images entitled ‘Into the Light’ which contains most of my art work. You certainly deserve a copy having been so helpful to me in the past so it would be my pleasure to send you a copy.

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I've just found you (or your daughter masquerading as you) on Facebook. What a pleasure to discover your art. It's absolutely brilliant. Wonderful to see the accompanying poems as well. I'm sad that has been taken away from you by what happened in your car accident. You're very kind to offer to send me a copy of your book, but I wouldn't want to impose on you like that.

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I love the idea of a title casting a shadow. (That's as far as I have read of the post so far but it stopped me in my tracks and prompted this immediate comment.) As a professional artist I used to ponder over titles for almost as much time as it took me to prepare my art work. I produced special print runs so a title needed to be right for an edition that was designed to net me thousands of pounds. I would leave art work to prove like loaves, coming back to them time and time again. I would prop prints around the house so that they would leap unexpectedly into focus and eventually the title would reveal itself and I would sigh with relief.

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Titles can do so much, especially in flash fiction where they're such a large part of the word count - glad that the idea of it casting a shadow (or a light) over the piece as a whole is helpful. So fascinating to hear about your art and the importance of titles there. Do you have a portfolio or website? I would love to see some of your work.

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