Thank you for all of this, Matt! Every prompt is so compelling...I am eager to try them all. The collective words of wisdom are just what I needed for this New Year's Day. A special note of appreciation to you for reminding me that there are many reasons to write, and that when I am not comparing myself to the efforts and aspirations of others, I am feeling quite content and fulfilled with my creative output. Particularly my letter-writing practice...which has been an act of love and devotion since childhood. Wishing you all the very best for a healthy and inspired new year!

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I've been having a sneaky go at some of the prompts over the festive break, not just the ones here, but all of them on the bigger resource sheet - so many great ways into a story. Really glad my quote resonated with you. I feel it's so important for us to remember we're all on our own paths, but when we see others achieving brilliant things, it is easy to fall into the trap of getting down on ourselves. The thing is, though, we're all doing amazing just for putting pen to the page in whatever way. Wishing you a brilliant year! M

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GREAT post @Matt, SO informative! What a lot of work you clearly put into this - amazeballs!

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It was actually lovely to pull together. I'm so grateful for the generosity of all the authors who took part - so many superstars here!

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They all are! It shows that so much work went into this, that’s amazing considering you weren’t feeling your best in recent times. Well done you, superstar of superstars.

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